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2023-2024 School Year Recap

Genevieve Gandara

Updated: Aug 28, 2024

In the 2023-2024 school year, we participated in many outreach events, hosted weekly meetings, met fundraising milestones, and kept in contact with the community in Tandacato, Ecuador.

To start off the school year, in October 2023, we participated in the Caltech Club Fair, where we showcased pictures and shared stories from our May 2023 implementation trip. At both of these events, we met many students and community members who were eager to support our cause.

In November 2023, we held a fundraiser at Chipotle, where we earned 33% of proceeds from all purchases that were affiliated with our club. This fundraiser was a huge success, as we raised $300 through grassroots efforts! We plan on hosting another restaurant fundraiser in the fall of 2024 in order to engage the community and spread awareness for our organization. 

Our main outreach event of the year was volunteering at the Cloverly Elementary School STEAM Night in Temple City. At this event, we had two stations and an informational poster. The first station was about water engineering, and students used pH strips to test the pH of different materials. The second station was about civil engineering, and the students made bridges out of a variety of materials like straws, wooden sticks, and clay. We had a great time sharing our engineering experiences with the students and look forward to the next outreach events!

In April 2024, we had a follow-up meeting with the Tandacato Water Board to clarify some design constraints, meet the new members of their board, and exchange updates. We are very grateful that the community and EWB Ecuador engineers were able to collaborate with us and continue our strong partnership. 

We had weekly meetings all throughout the school year, where we worked on our engineering designs, fundraising, and outreach. We were even lucky enough to have a work session at the Stantec office in Pasadena. At this session, we learned about the different layers of AutoCAD drawings required for a civil infrastructure project. We created a drawings list for the retaining wall, pipe system, and storage tanks. 

Over the summer, we have held weekly meetings over Zoom since our members are conducting research and internships across the country. We have held 10 summer meetings and made great progress on our design and fundraising efforts. 

We are excited to continue developing our design and expanding our club in the 2024-2025 school year!

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